Our CSR Strategy is based on UN Sustainable Development Goals, and is an integrated part of our mindset.

Nordic Radar Solutions works for a strong value proposition and a steady economic growth of the company by developing innovative solutions to support green transition, enhanced safety, improved training efficiency and operational reliability in civil and military aviation and the wind industry. Nordic Radar Solutions promotes attractive job positions based on Danish standards and agreements encouraging gender equality, religious and ethnicity diversity. It is the ambition to develop a strong and sustainable “zero waste” local and regional production platform with a continuous focus on its use of resources in the production as well as in all other parts of the company including its subcontractors.
Nordic Radar Solutions has the ambition to have a zero waste production where all parts of the end products are 75% recyclable and reusable by 2025 and 100% by 2030. Furthermore, Nordic Radar Solutions will continuously work for a reduced resource usage in its production as well as in all other parts of the company. It is the ambition to have a resource usage in 2030 that is not higher than in 2020 relatively.
Nordic Radar Solutions has divided its CSR strategy into separate goals as seen below.
Gender equality in employment
Nordic Radar Solutions contributes toward this goal by encouraging gender equality, religious and ethnicity diversity through its recruitment process to recruit the best and most qualified candidates.
Decent and competitive employment of all employees
Nordic Radar Solutions promotes sustainable economic growth, and productive employment of all staff on market conditions according to Danish Standards and agreements. NRS provides fair working conditions for all its employees.
Innovative development of specialized high-tech solutions
Nordic Radar Solutions develops specialized radar technology to support green transition in the aviation and wind industry. It is also the ambition that the technology will support and improve safety at airports, increase military training efficiency and improve operational efficiency.
Active participation in local society by establishing sustainable employment
Nordic Radar Solutions promotes a local and regional dynamic and sustainable value contributing production.
Sustainable and green production
Nordic Radar Solutions has the ambition to produce all its technological solutions sustainably and with a minimal use of resources.